NTC Policy Exceptions
The academic experience for the undergraduate students of Newcomb-Tulane College is governed by policies set forth in the University Catalog (found here). Established by the faculty and managed by the Dean’s office, these policies serve as an essential resource for students as they navigate their academic careers at Tulane. These policies are applied universally to ensure fairness for all students. Failure to comply with these policies can delay progress to degree.
Committee on Academic Requirements
In rare and extreme circumstances, students may be granted an exception to NTC academic policy. When an exception may be warranted due to circumstances that were unpredictable and outside a student’s control, students should prepare a formal request to the Committee on Academic Requirements seeking an exception to a specific policy. Students should prepare a thorough and detailed document with supporting evidence to explain to a reviewing committee why an exception would be justified. The determinations of that committee are final and cannot be appealed.
Requests for consideration by the Committee on Academic Requirements must be submitted in a timely manner. Normally this means during the semester in which the policy exception would apply. Retroactive requests will be approved very rarely.
Dishonest claims including the submission of falsified documentation will result in referral to the Office of Student Conduct and/or the Office of Academic Integrity. Below is additional information and resources for NTC undergraduate students to use as they consider whether seeking an exemption is warranted given their circumstances.
Frequently Asked Questions
During the semester in which the exception would be relevant.
Generally, no. There is a separate process for requesting Core credit for transfer credit and courses taken abroad (Core Curriculum Policy Exception). If there is a question related to accessibility accommodations, please inquire with an advisor at the Goldman Center.
No. Discontinuing the planned major reverts a student to the standard limitation of nine non-NTC credits.
The CAR committee meets monthly. The volume of received requests impacts decision times. Typically, students can anticipate a response to their submission within four to six weeks of final submission.
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Core Curriculum
The Core Curriculum stands at the center of the academic experience of every undergraduate student in Newcomb-Tulane College. Its composition and the courses that fulfill its requirements are determined by the faculty and reviewed regularly to ensure that the Core provides a meaningful thread linking the academic endeavors of all undergraduates in the college.
Some of the Core Curriculum can be fulfilled through coursework taken at other institutions of higher education either here in the US or abroad. Some coursework taken through affiliated programs abroad has already been pre-approved. You can find these courses in the database maintained by the Office of Study Abroad (https://cge.tulane.edu/resources/transferring-credit). For courses taken abroad and transfer credits, a request for review can be submitted along with a complete syllabus via the following form.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any time after you enrolled in the course and received a complete syllabus up to one semester after completing the course.
For study abroad courses: If study abroad class registration happens before departure from the U.S., students must still be on site and have completed their first day of classes to request the core curriculum review, as many students change courses after arrival. Many programs do not perform class registration until students are on site, and pre-approvals will not be granted for any reason. Please take note of the following deadlines.
- Students studying abroad in the spring semester should submit all requests for Core Curriculum review by October 1st after their return to campus.
- Students studying abroad in the fall semester should submit all requests Core Curriculum review by March 1st after their return to campus.
No. If the Tulane course did not carry a Core attribute at the time you took the course, it cannot be added retroactively. Only Tulane faculty can submit Tulane courses for consideration for Core attributes.
The Core Curriculum committee meets monthly. The volume of received requests impacts decision times. Students can anticipate a response to their submission within four to six weeks of final submission.